Free Consultation


The way you choose to SHOW UP, impacts the way people FEEL. The way people FEEL, impacts the extent to which they ENGAGE. The extent to which people ENGAGE with you impacts the OUTCOMES of your relationships.

What % impact does Emotional Intelligence have in determining if a person should be promoted?

Emotional Intelligence accounts for over 90% of what gains a person a promotion.

What are the core Emotional Intelligence competencies?

Self-Awareness, Awareness of Others, Authenticity, Emotional Reasoning, Self-Management and Positive Influence.

What % impact does Emotional Intelligence have on Leadership success?

Emotional Intelligence accounts for 36% of the role in their Leadership success.

Why invest in the emotional intelligence of your people?





We all have emotions. It’s what makes us human.

We experience a wide range of feelings at work as we interact with our colleagues, customers, clients. These feelings influence our decisions, behaviour and performance.

They can have a ‘broadening’ effect, causing us to consider more perspectives, engage more deeply and perform better or a ‘narrowing’ effect, causing us to be more closed-minded, less engaging and poorer at performing.

Collectively, these emotions impact your job performance for better or worse.


What is Emotional Intelligence?

Claim your FREE Emotional Culture Survey for your Team or Organisation.
Do you know how your people are feeling right now?

When you know how your people are feeling you can better plan where to focus your energy to optimise engagement, productivity, retention and resilience.

With the Emotional Culture Index Survey we measure 3 dimensions of emotions at work:

  • Current state – How often your people experience certain feelings at work.
  • Expected state – How often your people think it’s fair and reasonable to experience these feelings at work given the nature and context of your workplace.
  • Ideal state – How often your people think they should ideally experience these feelings in your workplace in order to be effective.


Claim your FREE Emotional Culture Survey for your Team or Organisation.

Please share your contact information and we will be in touch for your complementary Emotional Culture Index.

Form by ChronoForms -

How do we develop Emotional Intelligence?   


They are the only Emotional Intelligence assessments on the market that help individuals understand how they demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviours and what impact do they have on others.

This enables us to focus attention on the areas where developing the Emotional Intelligence of your people would have the most impact.



Genos EI Assessments were created specifically for developing Emotional Intelligence in the workplace environment.

Genos assessments are available in three versions:
• Workplace
• Leadership
• Sales

All are available as a self-assessment, 180° and a 360° feedback.


Unique to Genos is the EI Selection Assessment, created as a high standard recruitment tool.

It helps organisations and HR managers observe emotional intelligence of the candidates during the hiring and interview process.


Become a Certified Genos EI Practitioner

We believe in creating more emotionally intelligent and happy teams around the world, join us! 

In order to work with the Emotional Intelligence tools directly in your organisation or as part of the services you provide to different organisations you need to be qualified. We can enable you to do this as we are the sole distributor in Slovenia for the Genos Emotional Intelligence tools and part of a network that provides these tools globally.

Genos EI Certification Programme is designed for coaches, trainers, consultants, HR and learning & organisational development professionals.
Anyone interested in transforming how people work together is welcome!

In an intensive 3 day programme you will experience and learn to use, assess and debrief Genos EI Assessments.
You will explore how to apply them to your people development programs and gain skills needed to develop people’s emotional intelligence.

  • 3 day highly participatory and practical train-the-trainer delivery
  • Certification folder with programme materials and sample reports
  • Completion of Genos 180° EI Workplace Behaviour Feedback Assessment and a 60 min 1-1 debrief session for a first-hand experience and interpretation of own 180° Feedback report. No additional cost.
  • Lifetime membership to Genos University with access to additional resources, marketing material and learning videos for your further professional development and quick start of your use of EI tools
  • Your very own online Genos Assessment Portal to allow you to manage your use of EI tools
  • Access to international community of Genos Practitionners
  • Ongoing support from Fast Forward International, your local Genos EI distributor
  • Breakfast, buffet lunch, drinks and snacks for all 3 days of delivery and an inspiring learning environment at Fast Forward Learning Center
  • Internationally recognised Certificate 

Registration fee is 1.450 EUR plus DDV.

Your investment includes all benefits listed above. 

Do you have a group of people within your organisation who would like get certified?

Contact us for more information

If you would like more information on working with Emotional Intelligence in your organisation or would like to know more about the Emotional Intelligence Certification process then contact us.

Please enter any questions/comments in the text box and we'll get back to you soon.

Blog - Emotional intelligence

Find out how you can hire for Emotional Intelligence

Find out how you can hire for Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is a set of skills that help us better perceive, understand and manage emotions in ourselves and in others. These skills are...
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What really matters in measuring emotional intelligence?

What really matters in measuring emotional intelligence?

A great misunderstanding when talking about emotional intelligence is that, similar to IQ, one gets a numerical score that tells you how emotionally...
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Testimonials - Emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Ajda Likar, department manager, Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad RS

After having experienced personal interpretation of my Genos report, I can say that interpretation by an experienced person in this area is necessary for the report to truly have value. I could not have reflected my report through the responses of others by myself, because I would give in to my own perceptions and filters. With skilful help of Fast Forward I not only saw how others see me but already also found concrete ideas to

Emotional Intelligence

Elizabeta Zupančič, Rehabilitation specialist, CenterKontura

I found the Emotionally intelligent workplace behaviour feedback report very helpful as an insight to a better communication, establishing more genuine and effective contact firstly with myself, secondly with the people around me. It is a great guideline for a better self-awareness and more fulfilling relationships. It is also a very detailed tool that helps you asses and understand your competences in various areas, while it gives you step by step guidance and support

Our Location

Fast Forward International d.o.o.Rašica 20
1315 Velike Lašče

Phone: 00386 (0)40 266 076

If you want more people coming to work at their best, then we would love to help you to achieve this.

Contact Us Today